Who are we?KO WAI MĀTOU?
Mai i te take o te maunga, ki te hukahuka o te tai ki te rohe e mōhiotia ana no Ngāti Tukorehe mo ana uri, me ana moetanga katoa. From the Mountain peaks to the sea, inclusive of the boundaries known to Tukorehe, for all his descendants and inter-related dependents.
Taku turanga ake ki runga ki ngā maunga titohea o te takiwā nei, ko Tararua, ko Ōtararere, ko Poroporo, ko Pukeātua, ki ngā wai ora, ki ngā wai puna, ki ngā wai tuku kiri o te Iwi, ko Ōhau, ko Waikokopu, ko Kuku, ko Tikorangi, ko Mangananao Me ngā hapū o te whenua, ko Te Mateawa, ko Te Rangitāwhia, ko Ngāti Manu, ko Ngāti Kapumanawawhiti o te rohe ki te Iwi nei o Ngāti Tukorehe.
- Our main priority has been ensuring our Kaumatua are safe and well, and throughout this Pandemic it has been great to see our whanau, hapu and Iwi band together to ensure all our Kaumatua are well looked after and have all needs met.
- Te Iwi o Ngati Tukorehe Trust is still available and operational, all staff are continuing to work from home.
- Contact details for Te Iwi o Ngati Tukorehe Trust Staff are as follows:
- Kelly Bevan, General Manager: k.bevan@tukorehe.iwi.nz
- Rangikauhoe Heke, Tai Ao Co-Ordinator: r.heke@tukorehe.iwi.nz
- Erica Wyllie, Office Administrator: e.wyllie@tukorehe.iwi.nz
Ngāti Tukorehe Tribal Committee
Act: Maori Purposes Act 1953
Beneficiaries/Owners: Ngāti Tukorehe, Ngāti Kapumanawawhiti, Te Mateawa & Te Rangitāwhia
Purpose: Manage & Operate Tukorehe Marae Complex on a day-to-day basis
Executive Committee: Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Booking Officer & Ngāti Tukorehe Iwi Members (Koutou Katoa)
Chairperson: Pikitia Heke
Interim Secretary: Diane Taylor
Financial Service Provider: Te Iwi o Ngāti Tukorehe Trust
Booking Officer: Zoe Poutama
Rules: Marae Operational Policies & Charter
Accountability: Tukorehe Marae & Urupa Reservation & Te Iwi o Ngāti Tukorehe
Te Iwi o Ngati Tukorehe Trust (TIONTT)
Act: Charitable Trust Act
Beneficiaries/Owners: Beneficiaries
Purpose: Responsible for implementation of the Iwi Strategic Plan
Governance Structure: 7 elected Iwi representatives
Chairperson: Tina Wilson
Board of Trustees: Keremihana Heke, Tina Wilson, Kelly Bevan, Rawiri Richmond, Nanette Wehipeihana, Cathy Tait-Jamieson
General Manager: Kelly Bevan
Rules: Trust Deed
Accountability: Board of Trustees, Te Iwi O Ngāti TukoreheNgāti Tukorehe established Te Iwi O Ngāti Tukorehe Trust, a Charitable organisation in 1989 to manage the strategic and developmental aspirations of the iwi. The Trust manages the educational, Treaty Claims and other government contracted projects.
Tū Te Manawaroa
Tū Te Manawaroa is the name of the treaty cluster within the Porirua ki Manawatu inquiry set up to assist claimants to prosecute their claims before the Waitangi Tribunal. Tū Te Manawaroa is a private trust with a trust deed and elected trustees represented by Ngati Te Au, Ngati Rakau and Ngati Turanga (Ngā hapū O Himatangi), Kereru marae and Te Iwi O Ngāti Tukorehe.
Trustees: Lindsay Poutama (Chair) • Anton Davies • Te Kenehi Teira • Ehita Burt• Puhi Carlotta Campbell • Kelly Bevan
email: tutemanawaroa@gmail.com
website: http://tutemanawaroa.co.nz/